Ivy-leaf Maple (Acer cissifolium) | Cincinnati Arboretum Champion Trees | Spring Grove Cemetery
Champions of the Grove

Ivy-leaf Maple (Acer cissifolium)

Asian maples have the same promiscuous behavior of freely hybridizing across species that is seen in our North American oaks. Acer cissifolium is a trifoliate leaflet maple native to mountainous sites in Japan and typically grows as a small tree or a large shrub. It produces a delicate orange-red fall color and displays a smoother bark with complex branching in the dormant season. Spring Grove’s specimen appears to be in the 50-plus year range. Measurements taken several years ago were a 66-inch circumference, a rounded 25-foot height and a 19-foot spread with just enough open canopy to allow vehicle traffic clearance in Section 95. This ivy-leaf maple rated 80-points and is one of many specimens listed on the Ohio Champion Tree list that have no second-place entries.

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