Grief Support
A Holistic Approach
Grief is a normal, natural, and necessary response when we experience the death of someone who has been a part of our life. The manner by which one adapts to losing a loved one is a very individual process. It is important to work through the grieving process and to understand the emotions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that accompany grief and mourning. Our Continuum of Care extends beyond the funeral service, reaching out to families with compassionate bereavement support services and resources.

Lantern Lighting
Prepare your personalized lantern by inscribing your own words of remembrance and hope on our specially designed lanterns. Through them you send your unique message of love, peace and hope into the world and to those you love and have lost. The lanterns are then assembled with a candle and prepared for a launch onto Willow Water Lake.

Holiday Remembrance Services
We understand the holidays can be an especially difficult time of the year after losing a loved one. That is why Spring Grove offers our Holiday Remembrance Service. The evening begins in the lobby of Spring Grove Funeral Home where you and your family will be invited to participate in the assembly of our Wreaths of Remembrance. Do not forget to share a photo before hand for our Memories Video that will be on display at the event.

Grief To Peace
Navigating the loss of a loved one can feel overwhelming. It is a journey that holds many twists and turns, highs and lows. We do not want you to face this road alone! For this reason, Spring Grove has developed a partnership with Companions on a Journey (COJ), a local grief support center. We provide, sponsor and host monthly gatherings called “Grief to Peace.” This group is led by a COJ Bereavement Specialist, who will guide you in this journey and is attended by individuals who have lost someone in their life as well. We hope that you will join us and discover hope, strength, and healing along the way.

Flags of Honor
This tribute will honor ALL VETERANS, MILITARY PERSONNEL and HEROES OF PUBLIC SERVICE, those who serve to protect our communities every day. You and your family have the opportunity to honor those who are close to your heart by sponsoring one or more of these flags for $25 each. All veterans and service personnel are eligible, whether living or deceased. There are also no restrictions as to where a deceased honoree is buried.