
Civil War Generals Buried at Spring Grove Cemetery & Arboretum

As the Civil war raged on the southern and northern fronts, Cincinnatians felt that Spring Grove would make the perfect final resting place for its Ohioan casualties. The US Sanitary Commission met with Spring Grove's Trustees to request a donation of a 100-foot diameter circular lot with a 300 grave capacity. Spring Grove obliged and it filled quickly. Two more areas were then purchased. Today, there are three burial sites consisting of concentric rows of 333 burials (totaling 999) marked by small marble squares set into the turf. Both Confederate and Union soldiers - from 9 different states - are buried here, plus 28 unknown soldiers. An officer's body lies at the center of each mound as if commanding the army of the dead. There are 41 Civil War Generals interred throughout Spring Grove.

Click here for a full list of Civil War Generals buried at Spring Grove Cemetery

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